What to Expect

If you’re new to chiropractic treatment or a new client with Clinic 27, it’s helpful to know what your new health care regimen will entail.

Your treatment plan


At your first appointment, one of our caring Chiropractic Doctors will build a complete picture of your health and medical history in order to develop your personalised treatment plan. This plan will cover:

– the health care issues that need to be treated

– the number of treatments you should expect to attend

– the frequency and cost of your treatments

– the outcomes you can expect to see

– The treatment plan will be explained to you at your second appointment. It’s important for you to feel comfortable and involved with your treatment so if you have any questions, feel free to discuss them with any of our Chiropractors during your consultations.

The stages of treatment


Generally, there are three treatment stages that clients can engage with.

Pain relief
this initial stage involves diagnosis and treatment of the cause of your pain

Posture correction
during this stage our Chiropractors will treat the underlying factors contributing to poor posture

this stage is focused on unlocking the stress and tension of old injuries that accrue in your body over time. This is a long-term process and requires a commitment of a few months for optimal results.

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