How are we different?
Advanced Biostructural Correction™

We are among the first Australian practices to use the unique chiropractic technique known as Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC) ™. By removing mechanical stress from your body’s skeletal, muscular and tissue structures, you may see long-term results from your treatments.
We use digital posture photos to track your progress.
The above photographs were taken of a selection of our patients before and after an Advanced BioStructural CorrectionTM (ABCTM) adjustment, this was the only visible change for the person being photographed. The location of the photograph taken, the angle of the camera lens, exposure, framing, lighting, contrast as well as the feet and body positioning of the patient were as similar as physically possible. When taking both the before and after photographs, each patient was asked to “breathe in, breathe out, relax and let your body slump” and at that point the photograph was taken. In each photo, grid lines and a shadow feature were applied using Photoshop for the purposes of easier comparison. All patients photographed have provided written consent for their images to be use. Individual results may vary – please speak to our team of Chiropractors to see if Advanced BioStructural Correction Chiropractic adjustments may be of benefit for your individual case.
We always follow up with you over the telephone after your first treatment to check on your progress and answer any further questions you might have.

We can show you YOUR PROGRESS
From your first appointment, we start taking a series of photographs that map your treatment journey. You will be able to literally see the physical changes taking place in your body and know that you’re reaching your goals.

Our CARE PLANS are tailored to fit you
No two clients are alike and that’s why every personalised treatment plan we develop is different. We’ll construct a plan that is responsive to your lifestyle and health care goals based on an overall picture of how you live.
Our care plans are HOLISTIC
Pain and discomfort might be physical sensations, but they’re often the result of a complex mix of factors which include mental and emotional stresses. That’s why the development of your personalised treatment plan doesn’t look only at your body. We examine your life from a holistic perspective, incorporating your age, diet, the type of work you do, exercise regime, the amount of stress in your life, and any previous injuries and illnesses you’ve experienced.
Good chiropractic treatment shouldn’t end when your appointment finishes. We will teach you to incorporate improved posture and better health practices into your daily lifestyle.

Chiropractic care isn’t an adults-only affair! Children may benefit from regular adjustments to help their bodies as they rapidly grow and develop. We have extensive experience working with children and can develop suitable treatment plans for your entire family.
We focus on long-term results
At Clinic 27, we’re focused on identifying the root cause of your pain and discomfort, rather than just treating the immediate symptoms.